Thursday, December 28, 2006
Make use of your blog postings to boost your Adsense income
Feel free to forward the article below to people who you think will benefit. As long as they keep the resource box unchanged.
Article: Making use of your blog posts to boost your Adsense income
By Alan Cheng

You have a blog which you are posting everyday. There’s goodtargeted traffic but it’s not enough. You cannot have too muchtraffic. You can make use of your blog posts to increase yourexposure and drive your Adsense clicks through the roof.

One of the best techniques to leverage the resources you alreadyhave is to categorize your blog posts. For example, during the pastmonth’s you will have around nearly 30 postings. Go through yourpostings and sort them so that you have around 5 postingfor each category

With these categories copy and paste the postings so that you haveone piece of article. YOu will need to write an introductoryparagraph and to explain what your article is about and thenmodify the content of your posts so that you are explaining usefulpoints.

For instance, you could mention in the introductory paragraph thatyou will discuss the problems people have with Adsense layouts.

Next you will give some good tips on design the best Adsense layoutto get the maximum CTR (Click thru rate) and how it has worked inyour testing.

These points are taken from your postings so there should be noshortage of ideas. It will be a relatively easy article to writeas you already have the content written

At the end write a short concluding paragraph and then write a resourcebox which explains who you are and the URl of your blog

What you have done here is make use of your month’s blog postingsand wrote an article with it. Now with this article you needto submit it to various article directories and ezines.

After your article is submitted, you will see a spur of trafficvisiting your website. These are targetted traffic that is interestedin the information your blog or website offers

Targetted visitors are most likely to click on your Adsense as theyare actually looking for the particular information

Don’t forget, you should have 5 articles for your postings and you cansubmit them weekly. You are marketing your blog weekly, and the goodthing is the articles will be driving traffic to your website for yearsto come since they are out on the web

I’ve always said Adsense is a numbers game. The more targetted trafficyou have, the more clicks you will get. And if you update your website/blogregularly, the vistors will return. Do you see the power of this?

There are some points you have to note when using article marketing approach

1. Your resource box has to be attractive. It is where people read who theauthor is and what their website is. A good technique is to link the concludingremark to your resource box.For example, you can summarise by saying good software is essential tocreating Adsense sites continously. Then in your resource box, mention yourwebsite and that there is a mini-course on selecting a good Adsense website builder.This is very effective. If the person is interested in your article, theywill definitely check out your link and get more information.

2. Submitting your articles. There are lots of places where you can submityour articles to that can give you exposure and backlinks. Actually thereis too many of them. Submitting to them by hand will take you several hours.If this becomes your weekly task then you will quit shrotly.There are tools and services which can help you to submit your articlesthat are related to your niche.check:

There is never the rule of having too many articles. The more articles youhave the more exposure you will get. This is the cheapest and most effectivetechnique I know of to drive traffic to your website. Bear in mind that thetraffic will be coming to your website in the long run. Some people will read it2 years down the line. It is that powerful.

So put your writing hat on and get those articles out on the internet.Don’t forget to read up on useful resources on Adsense because at the endof the day, we want Adsense to give us a nice income on the side
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