Friday, December 29, 2006
Testing your Google Adsense layouts
Google Adsense layouts are one of the performance fine tuning art you should continually work on to improve. Improving your Google Adsense layouts will increase the size of Google’s check to you every month. It’s that important.

Google has added a lot of new options to the layout code over the past year. What we must do is strenuously test and see what is the most effective. Notice I said “we”. This is because what is effective for my website may not be effective for you website. Unless of course the colours and topics of our websites are the same.

John Reese, probably one of the most famous and well respected internet marketers said that testing is the key to online success. He even advises people not to take his words as the bible but to do their own testing. What works for him does not necessarily work for you

Monitor the changes you make to your Google Adsense layout and see the difference in your rankings, traffic and earnings. The great thing about the internet is that if offers detailed metrics such as number of visitors, click thru rates, the time the visitors arrive and how long they stay on the webpage. This data is amazing and is only available on the internet. Think about people advertising in newspapers and magazines. They don’t have half the luxury we do.
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